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19. října 2023 v 08:59
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9. září 2022 v 14:54
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Infertility was considered as a subspecialty of IVF Training. It has now became the part of the everyday practice for gynecologists. This educational program is framed to transmit the complete skills of infertility management. Lectures are outlined to enclose all the hands-on training to master infertility management and also includes the scientific basis and the explanation for each point.
29. července 2022 v 13:09
Likely, we could tell you there are most online learning platforms and also the offline learning platforms that could provide the chances to learn or to create, and could even sell the online courses. The difference of opinion of taking up the best online learning platform out of the many options out there is real. Obtaining the knowledge through Medline academics, is the best and better option you chose to fabricate your career in a very standard and professional manner.
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22. července 2022 v 08:49
IIRRH is one of the greatest IVF training institution of infertility training & Maternity training centre that is engaged in the noble attempt to offer high quality training and had continued medical education to clinicians, scientists, embryologists and allied health professionals in the field of Reproductive medicine, Embryology, Obstetrics, Gynaecology. It also has sub platforms in it, which is known as and where it covers the same type of courses which are provided at IIRRH. A broad range of IVF training courses are offered to allow individuals to receive knowledge at IIRRH institute which is furnished with the world’s best IVF training institute highly qualified and adventurous doctors, faculties and best of the infrastructure has to train the students to become one of the best and better in the field of reproductive medicine. IIRRH, Medline academics, smart online education is one of the quaternary level education and training facilities doing pioneering work in the field of reproductive medicine. This training institution is aided to NITTE University, VIT University and JSS University, Mysore. Our Institute is registered under the not-for-profit trust. Courses are directed on the regular basis for eligible students under different programs and courses.
21. července 2022 v 11:08
Dr. Kamini Rao
A broad range of training courses are provided to enable individuals to receive knowledge at IIRRH institute which is equipped with the world’s best training institute highly qualified and experienced doctors, faculties and best of the infrastructure has the likelihood to train the students to become one of the best in the field of reproductive technologies. IIRRH, Medline academics, smart online education is one of the quaternary level education and training facility doing pioneering work in the field of reproductive medicine. This institution is aided to NITTE University VIT University and JSS University, Mysore. Our Institute is registered under not-for-profit trust. Courses are conducted on the of regular basis for eligible students under different programs and courses.
21. července 2022 v 11:08
IIRRH is an IVF training institution of infertility training & Maternity training centre which is engaged in the noble endeavour to offer high quality training and continued medical education to clinicians, embryologists and allied health professionals in the field of Reproductive medicine, Embryology, Obstetrics, Gynaecology. It also has sub platform in it, which is called as Medline academics and Smart online education where it covers same type of courses which are provided at IIRRH.
16. února 2022 v 18:19
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17. června 2021 v 09:11
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5. dubna 2021 v 16:52
Děkujeme za Vámi vyjádřený soucit i poděkování, i nám je velmi líto, že musíme ukončit provoz, z velké části díky covid krizi, bohužel ale nejen covid v tom hraje svoji roli. Jednání s majiteli nedopadlo nejlépe a proto se vedení rozhodlo o ukončení provozu úplně, ještě před koncem platnosti stávající nájemní smlouvy. I my Vám děkujeme za roky spolupráce a dobrých vztahů, které panovaly a třeba v lepších časech někdy v budoucnu naviděnou. Zdravíme všechny a přejeme hlavně pevné zdraví. Za Restauraci U Velasů Bára, Jožin, kuchař Zdeněk, René a Václav za manažerský post
31. března 2021 v 15:00
Vážení,je nám velice líto,že restaurace musí ukončit provoz. Za více než 15 let spolupráce s agenturou BOHEMIASTAR s dívkami na obsluhu "nahoře bez",bylo vždy bez problémů.Děkujeme jak vedení,obsluze i "štamgastům" za seriozní jednání a přístup.Ač velice neradi se s Vámi loučí dívky,Lucka(velká),Lucka (malá),Šárka,Martina,Michala,Monika a za agenturu Otto,Mirek a Jirka.Děkujema za spolupráci.Snad se ještě potkáme v lepších časech !!!
17. března 2021 v 09:29
Děkujeme za podporu, bohužel už to není jen o "světlu na konci tunelu". Jednání s majiteli o prodloužení nájemní smlouvy nedopadlo dobře a i z těchto důvodů ukončujeme provoz, ale samozřejmě se na nás podepsala i koronavirová krize. Snad se v budoucnu sejdeme jinde a v lepších časech
16. března 2021 v 21:40
Ukončení provozu mě mrzí
Škoda fajn klasické hospody....ale chápu,že není možné čekat do nekonečna na pomyslné "světlo na konci tunelu".
Pro tento druh byznysu jsou pravidla nefér a rozhodně diskriminační, ale to nemá význam řešit....

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